
  • Oksana Filatova




non-national material, identity, “picture of the world”, “оther people’s dialogues”, East / West paradigm, story


ORCID iD 0000-0002-4464-6933


The models of cultural dialogue represented in Ukrainian fiction prose of the early twentieth century have been considered in the article. Texts with non-national material: stories “Ash khadu” by P. Kapelgordskyi, “Alai” and “Gulle” by O. Dоsvitnii are selected as the object of scientific analysis. Attention is focused on the particular national composition of heroes’ thinking, persistent manifestations of the will to life and freedom, traditional moral and ethical values. It is proved that the culture, life and people’s mode of the exotic East as an object of literary image, psychologically convincing reproduction of the individual in a person and in each individual ethnos are inherent in the works of Ukrainian writers, whose biographies are connected with unknown and little known areas of the Russian Empire. The analysis of the immanent textual structure of stories by P. Kapelgordskyi “Ash khadu”, by O. Dosvitnii “Alai” and “Gulle”, which present an artistic vision of the Eastern “picture of the world”, gives the opportunity to make conclusions about the form- and content forming components of cultural and non-national self-identification.


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Author Biography

Oksana Filatova

Dr of Philology, Professor of the Department of Social Studies and Humanities,Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Mykolaiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Filatova, O. (2019). “FOREIGN DIALOGUES” IN THE LITERARY SEMIOSPHERE OF P. KAPELHORODSKYI AND O. DOSVITNIIT. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (14). https://doi.org/10.28925/2412-2475.2019.145



The conceptual issues of literary studies