DOI:Ключові слова:
ancient Chinese philosophy, philosophic postulates, floral symbols, Chinese lyrics, imagological implications of socio-cultural component, bamboo, plum, orchid, pine, chrysanthemum, three friends of cold winter, four cardinal virtues, four emperors, fourАнотація
The article outlines the influence of the ancient Chinese philosophic postulates on the formation
of worldview picture of the Tianxia citizens. The emphasis is placed on floral images, typical for Chinese
lyrics, enriched and grown upon the traditions of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. The article
is aimed to reveal the symbolic contents of floral motifs and images, running through Chinese poetry,
considering the selectivity of images. Appealing to the images of Chinese poetry, the article underlines
the influence of Chinese philosophy on the formation of language poetics, this very fact has been observed
by sinologists-literary scholars: Shi Han, Kobzev A. I., contemporaries — Shekera Ya. V., Kolomiyets
N. V., Murashevych K. G. The article addresses the floral images, known in China as “the three friends
of cold winter”, “the four cardinal virtues”, “the four emperors”. Special focus is made on the cardinal
virtues, which are behind the floral images, with the focus on personification; on identifying the male
principle (Yang) and the female principle (Yin), being primarily put into these plants. The article reveals
the symbolization of floral images, giving not only Eastern-philosophical concept, but representing
the inner world of the poet-creator, thus, making a visual space, which will help to understand the role
and place of a person in Chinese social environment.
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