The Concept of Political Freedom in War Poetry: a comparison of Ukrainian poetry from the modern war and American poetry from the revolutionary wars
freedom, liberty, poetry, Russian-Ukrainian war, American revolution, Dmytro Dontsov, John LockeAbstract
This paper delves into the concept of political freedom as depicted in American and Ukrainian poetry, specifically during periods of conflict. By focusing on wartime literature, the study aims to uncover the nuanced meanings and representations of freedom in both American and Ukrainian contexts. The research is particularly relevant given the current Russian-Ukrainian war, which has brought the question of national and political freedom to the forefront of Ukrainian society. The comparative approach of this study allows for an examination of how two different cultures, separated by time and geopolitical context, perceive and articulate the idea of freedom.
Drawing from both American Revolutionary War poetry and contemporary Ukrainian poetry, the paper identifies key themes and philosophical influences that shape each culture’s understanding of freedom. American poetry of the late 18th and early 19th centuries has been influenced by many Enlightenment thinkers, particularly by John Locke. He emphasizes “freedom from” tyranny and “freedom for” self-governance and moral duty. These poems often serve a utilitarian purpose, aimed at mobilizing public sentiment, fostering unity, and demoralizing the enemy. The use of simple, accessible verse forms in American poetry reflects a desire to reach a broad audience and reinforce the moral and institutional foundations of the nascent American state.
In contrast, Ukrainian war poetry, influenced by thinkers like Dmytro Dontsov, presents a more existential and culturally rooted understanding of freedom. This poetry emphasizes “freedom from” oppression and “freedom for” cultural identity and national survival. The diversity of expressions in Ukrainian poetry — from personal reflections on the trauma of war to collective affirmations of resilience — highlights a complex relationship with the concept of freedom, shaped by a history of ongoing struggle and resistance.
The study underscores the importance of historical and cultural contexts in shaping literary representations of freedom. While American poetry often frames freedom within the context of statehood and democratic governance, Ukrainian poetry reflects a deeper existential struggle for cultural and national continuity. By analysing these literary traditions side by side, the paper provides insight into how different societies conceptualize and valorize freedom, revealing both commonalities and unique cultural inflections. This comparative exploration not only enriches our understanding of freedom in literature but also offers perspectives on the broader socio-political struggles that continue to shape these nations today.
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