
  • Anastasiia Trofymenko Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



horror, horror literature, constant, artistic plane, chronotope (space-time), locus, receptivity


The article is dedicated to the study of the genre features of horror literature, its plot matrices and principles of artistic modeling of pictures of the world. The article describes the genre-creating elements that have become basis for systematization of the genre composition of horror literature. Special attention is paid to the typology of characters, the specifics of the arranging artistic time and space, as well as the features of the emotional impact on the reader as one of leading principles of genre classification of this type of fiction.

After all, much of the text of the works of representatives of horror literature is devoted to the construction of artistic space and time, in order to introduce the recipient into a certain range of components of the emotional state during reading, to achieve the goal of horror literature. Namely, to scare the reader. Considerable attention is paid by the authors of this type of literature to the modeling of characters as a genre component. The article describes a set of standardized elements and attributes describing the appearance and character of the characters, which creates a "horizon of expectations" for the reader's perception.

It also acts as an element of genre differentiation within the cluster of horror literature. The definition of genre varieties of this type of fiction reveals a clear conditionality of the specifics of the reception, the orientation of the author's intentions to create a certain psychological effect. Established artistic constants, which show a fairly high level of variability, serve as a figurative and plot matrix for the authors, which provides a "recognizability" of the genre addressed to a certain readership.


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How to Cite

Trofymenko, A. (2021). GENRE FEATURES OF HORROR LITERATURE. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (17), 72–80.



The conceptual issues of literary studies