meta-literature, meta-literary, modernism, postmodernism, metabole, meta-reality, artistic world viewAbstract
The article deals with the phenomenon of meta-literature as a manifestation of self-reflection inherent in creative writing and artistic creation. The articles makes an attempt to characterize the phenomenon of meta-literature, which reflects the basic laws of literary development in the twentieth century, gaining special significance in the context of the transition from modernism to postmodernism. It is noted that the problem of art and reality relations is re-thought in connection with the formation and development of modernist literature, all the most significant works of which in one way or another are involved in updating the vectors of artistic solution to this problem. The aesthetic, ideological and poetic features of modernist literature are analyzed, the shift that the content sphere of modernist works undergoes in connection with the interpretation of the problem of art and reality relations is demonstrated, and their poetic basis is determined. It is emphasized that by exploring the phenomenon of literature artistically, meta-literature, in its various manifestations, opens the prospects for a new vision of reality, allows to expand and deepen its understanding. By arguing the need for experiencing literature within the framework of existential experience and thus removing the boundary between artistic and real dimensions of existence ("real life is literature", according to M. Proust), modernists approached the views of philosophical hermeneutics. Remythologization, which characterizes the modernist literary and artistic discourse, can also be understood in connection with the need to correlate artistic meanings with existential ones, to find new ways of identifying and legitimizing them in the situation of religious consciousness crisis. A new configuration of the combination of ancient and biblical-Christian meta-images in the process of remythologization determines the construction of a new world view and concept of man, ensures the achievement of a multifaceted vision of reality. The introduction of the metabolic image of a book into the works of postmodern literature provides an artistic manifestation of the meta-reality discovered by modernism.
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