literature for children and youth, gender, archetype, initiation, artistic modelAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of artistic representation of child’s / teenager’s gender formation in modern Ukrainian literature for children and youth. The process of a young person’s integration into the society in the literary transcription is represented from the positions of K.-G. Jung’s psychological theory. The artistic re-thinking of base archetypes of human culture (mother, «wise old man”, anima, warrior) and initiation model as the scenario of human personal formation are demonstrated on the material of modern prose addressed to the reader-teenager. The character of the correlation of these artistic matrices with genre and stylistic peculiarities of the literature for children and youth are traced. It’s proved that the adventure fiction uses an artistic model of initiation which includes some constants: isolation, trials (communication with spirits, struggle with enemies, temporary death and resurrection in a new status), returning to the society into the other part of it (the circle of adults, warriors or hunters). Special attention is paid to the modern transformations of this archaic model in the national literature of the beginning of the 21st century. The other kind of genre is socio-psychological prose for children and youth. The main peculiarity of it is of a young personality development in the environment of modern world displayed by the category of “everyday” (quotidian).
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