Author Guidelines

The reviewed journal Literary Process: Methodology, Names, Trends publishes relevant researches in the fields of literary criticism, linguistics, and social communications. Before submitting the article, please read the recommended topics and publications in recent issues. 

1 Submission

We accept articles in Ukrainian, English, German, Polish, Italian, French, Spanish, Turkish.

We recommend submitting articles with a text volume of 0.4 (16 000) to 1.0 author’s sheet (40 000), reviews — 0.2–0.5 author’s sheet.

The materials should be submitted to the editorial board using the OJS «Literary Process: Methodology, Names, Trends».

2 Style and structure

2.1. Registration of article bibliographic lists is carried out according to DSTU 8302: 2015 «Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of compilation».

The article bibliography should be transliterated into Latin and given after the list of used sources REFERENCES.

The notation of the original data is not transliterated, but translated into English, for example: volume (Vol.), Number (No.), issue (Issue), pages (P., p.), Etc.

References – a list of sources used in Latin - is made out according to the standard APA 6th Ed ( Recommended software for working with transliterated bibliography – bibliographic manager EndNote. Other online converters according to the ARA standard: or

2.2. Citing and execution of references to sources in the text of the article are carried out according to the APA 6th Ed. standards. For example: (Petrenko, 2019, p. 18), (Petrenko, 2019), “in the work of P. Petrenko (2019)”. 

2.3. Technical Parameters:

Font: Times New Roman, the font is 14 pt, the interval is 1.5 pt.

Fields: left – 25 mm, right – 15 mm, upper and lower – 20 mm; paragraph – 7 mm.

The text should be typed without hyphenation, with the alignment to the width of the page. It is allowed to highlight the key concepts in italics. Quotes are quoted in the quotation marks «». When typing, it is necessary to distinguish between the hyphen (-) and the dash (–). It is advisable to avoid footnotes on the pages.

2.4. The order of the material.

In the upper left corner is the UDC index. The following rows are centered – title of the article in CAPITAL LETTERS. Under the name after 1 interval – an abstract in Ukrainian (1800) and the keywords in Ukrainian, for which the text of the article is placed.

After the article, after 1 interval, the list of sources under the heading in italics SOURCES is submitted in alphabetical order by the numbers.  Publications in Latin alphabet are arranged after publications published by the Cyrillic alphabet. After the list of sources, the title of the article in English, annotation in italics in English with keywords are placed with a space. The volume of each annotation with keywords is 2000–2300 characters. The annotation should reflect information about the relevance, subject, problem, methods used, the main results of the study, their novelty and prospects for further study. The structure, design of the article and vocations must meet the standards APA 6th Ed (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition).


In order to provide a double blind review, the file with the text of the article should not contain the author's name or initials (including hidden text or file properties), any mention of belonging to the author of quoted publications.

In a separate accompanying file, it is necessary to provide:
— name, surname, patronymic (if available),

— scientific degree,

ORCiD iD of each author;
— affiliation with a scientific or educational institution and its full postal address,

— public email address,

— phone number,

— other additional information that may be useful to the editorial board or reviewers.

All information is provided in Ukrainian, English, as well as the language of the article.


All communication of the editorial board with the authors is carried out via e-mail. Take care that letters from the editorial board are not lost in the Spam folder of your email service. Usually, they contain an abbreviation [LPMIT] in a subject.