literary process, model of literary process, author's image, writer’s personal brandAbstract
The place of the concepts of "author's image" and "writer’s personal brand" in the model of the literary process was investigated in the article. Their correlation was also established. The relevance of scientific research is due to the growing interest of scholars in interdisciplinary studies. They provide an opportunity to reconsider existing knowledge in various disciplines, including literary, by establishing correlations with related concepts and phenomena. It helps scientists to look at the problems from a different perspective and expand the horizons of their exploration in new areas. The method of synthesis and literary modeling was used to achieve the aim. In the course of the research a model of the literary process was presented; the links between the author / author’s image and other participants, where they were evident, were outlined; a definition of "writer's personal brand" was proposed; the difference between the meanings of "author's image" and "writer's brand" was highlighted and their correlation was established. During the research of scientific papers on publishing and advertising in this field, it became clear that researchers took the book as the object of promotion, avoiding the opportunity to foster the author. The common ground between the author's image and the writer's brand was established in the course of scientific research. Among them, there is the writer, as one who produces the author’s image in the works. With their help, he partially creates a personal brand. The development of the image and the brand is aimed primarily at the reader. However, their decoding depends not only on the intention of the writer but also on the experience of the recipient. Considering the results, we see prospects in further study of the author’s image and the writer’s personal brand on the material of specific figures. This will help to understand how the interaction of both concepts is put into practice and how the reader can be influenced to increase the author's popularity and become an expert in a particular field.
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