Literature of resistance from the position of diachrony, modernity and perspectives




resistance literature, collection of short stories, postmodernist principles of writing


Given the current situation in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, new types of social relations, a new, in an economic sense, post-industrial society, it is an indisputable fact that we are facing the same events that analysts say belong to the neoliberal order, and that we, as a collective, are members of this social system through our individual participation. Montenegrin culture, like all Western civilization, is in a state of postmodernism. In the context of Montenegro, this phenomenon is most fully represented in literature. In this paper, we will try to reveal the role of the individual in resisting everyday events with the help of the literary word, bearing in mind that postmodernism is aimed at breaking down the boundaries between high and mass culture, the penetration of commerce into culture. We based our research on the interdisciplinarity of this phenomenon, as postmodernism changes the attitude towards identity. Thanks to the artistic embodiment, we will understand the author's position, to what extent we have civil liberties and whether women are loudly opposed to the diseases of the transition period, while men still occupy key positions in Montenegrin society. A new literary phenomenon, a new collection of short stories by Tatiana Tanya Zekovych, will show us the vision of a woman intellectual who, in writing, fights against stereotypes, so the prose texts in her book have different themes and represent the author's views of the social reality. In her stories, in the form of essays, the author speaks openly about social anomalies, without shame or fear noting that she sees herself as part of the biased literature. The purpose of this work is to introduce the reader to the work of the Montenegrin writer, whose book has no Ukrainian translation, to present the main ideas of the author, her literary attempts to critically rethink reality through postmodern artistic expression at the level of themes, ideas and artistic means.


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Author Biography

Andriana Nikolic, Факультет чорногорської мови і літератури, Цетінє



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How to Cite

Nikolic, A., & Chaika-Lukovich, I. (2021). Literature of resistance from the position of diachrony, modernity and perspectives. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (18), 57–61.