self-identification, Vira Vovk, sacred level, New-York group, floral symbols, plant componentAbstract
The article analyzes the life path of Vira Vovk and key images of her work with a special emphasis on the role of plant symbols, and the influence of sacred ideas on the artist and her faith in God. Attention in the article focuses on the self-identification of Vira Vovk as a purely Ukrainian poetess with her own life position. At the same time, the course of analysis of the author's biography and bibliography circles around her sincere love and devotion to Ukraine, in particular – the admiration of the beauty of her native land, the granting of special significance and symbolic meaning to floral dimension, which is clearly illustrated by examples of donna Vira's lyrical lines.
The sacred level and divine beliefs are covered, on the one hand, on the examples of the artist's poetry, on the other – taken from the sphere of journalism about Vira Vovk, namely, from interviews with poetess within literary evenings, conferences, round tables. The article outlines significant instructions to the younger generation of writers: here we are talking about the use of Ukrainian images, plots, historical background of our Motherland, without the involvement of foreign motifs and style. We will try to reveal the secret of "lameness" of the Ukrainian text through the eyes of Vira Vovk and the role of the Ukrainian author's style in the context of the formation of a young writer.
In addition to the purely literary level and the analysis of the emigration author's work, we also intent to show Vira Vovk as a sophisticated person, whose literary roots germinated deeply from the Ukrainian land, absorb the entire color of the Ukrainian mentality, world view and reveals in her work. The means of expressiveness outline the divine direction of her poetry: her faith, exclusive intuition, openness to people and purity of thought.
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