V. Petrov-Domontovych, nonfiction literature, image, memoirs, correspondence, a real character, fictional character, moral assessmentAbstract
Actuality. The modern study of literature now does not give the answer for a question, if it is possible to create a character of a man from the life by facilities of nonfiction narration, however, it is convincing and full-blooded in the reader’s perception as an artistic image. Stating the Subject of the Study: forming of character-image of writer V. Petrov-Domontovych in the circle of the Ukrainian emigrants of the post-war wave due to their remembrances, letters, and essays. Research methodology: through the comparative hermeneutic interpretation of texts, and also later fiction texts that formed the character-image of V. Petrov. Stating the Aim of the Study. Other mechanisms of reader reception work in nonfiction genres, then in fiction, id est it becomes possible another result – the character of real V. Petrov. Results of the Study and originality. The image of Victor Petrov, formed in the memory of representatives of Ukrainian literary emigration and recorded in their memoirs and correspondence, is no less ambivalent, than images of characters in the fictional works of Victor Domontovych. Expatriate contemporaries saw their colleague differently and remembered in different situations, however, it is significant that people, in many respects disagree with moral assessments, hostile to others (as Ihor Kachurovsky, who always biased towards Yuri Sherekh-Shevelov and even repeated stereotyped allegations against him after his death) they were largely controversial in the estimation of V. Petrov. On the one hand, V. Domontovych deserved respect as a talented prose writer; on the other hand, V. Petrov was a mystery as a person. His collaboration with the Soviet special services did not cause unequivocal condemnation, since the circumstances of his "disappearance" from Munich in 1949 remained unclear. Most of those people who spoke about this event immediately after it was treated to the disappeared man with compassion because they suspected the "human beings"-brothers (Yuriy Lavrinenko) from the Soviet side. Image of V. Petrov mostly appears "split", as well as images of characters in the novels of V. Domontovich. The practical significance. In non-fictional texts, the researcher can trace the path of the formation of the image and stereotype, returning and approaching the prototype.
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