
  • Tetyana Bovsunivska Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University



poetics, frame, frame poetics, novel, genre, literary process, fragment, fragmentation, literary thinking


The article considers the possibility of synthesizing the system of poetics on the basis of cognitology, in this case - the theory of frames. The frame poetics is able to provide motivation where classical, non-classical or postnonclassical cannot offer convincing motivations. Poetics develops according to the laws of human thinking, in particular fixed in the frame theory. Therefore, we have reason to use frames in literary studies, because the frame is a natural segmentation of thinking in literature as well as in any field of science. The problem of genre definitions and genre transformations in modern novel forms has created a crisis of genre delineation. Frame theory allows to solve this problem of genre definition. Оr look at the genre in a new way, contributing to the conclusion of a new genre gestalt. The formation of different modern novel forms is considered in the aspect of the evolution of different types of poetics, which were concluded by mankind throughout its existence. Poetics is a mental mnemonic system of recoding reality or fiction into the figurative world of a work of art. Postnonclassical poetics, which is represented primarily in the works of postmodernists, has ceased to meet the needs of literary analysis, as it no longer has time to generate theoretical approaches due to the many modifications of the modern novel. Thus, there was a problem of inventing a different approach to the analysis of the current state of novel. Poetics is renewed in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the structure of thinking of the artistic phenomenon and loses relevance when it does not provide such an opportunity. The nature of thinking is immutable and consistent in the principles of thought construction, and therefore, frame poetics is an evolutionary product of all previous types of poetics. It cannot contradict classical or postnonclassical poetics because it is a question of purely cognitive regularities. The sources of basic ideas for the creation of frame poetics of literature are the theory of frames from M. Minsky to I. Hoffman and W. Wachstein, frame semantics in linguistics from C. Fillmore to S. Shid, the theory of psychological patterns by E. de Bono and dynamic patterns by N. Babutz with a projection on French literature of the modernist era, interdisciplinary methodology of cognitive literary criticism and Gestalt theory from T. Kuhn and I. Prigogine to K. Aidukevich and T. Kotarbinsky, and finally, iconology as a principle of embodied frame unfolding by E. Panufsky, N. Goodman to E. Cassirer, J. Richardson and W. T. Mitchell.


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How to Cite

Bovsunivska, T. (2021). CONTEMPORARY NOVEL IN ASPECT OF FRAME POETICS . LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (17), 16–24.



The conceptual issues of literary studies