Feasures of Fandorin’s Quasi-biography: Postmodern Experiment





quasi-biography, experiment, postmodernism, remake, koan


More than two decades ago, the newest Russian writer B. Akunin began a series of multi-genre novels, the main character of which was Erast Petrovich Fandorin, who quickly made a detective career, has become famous not only in Russia, but far beyond its borders. Firstly appeared in the fiction novel «Azazel», Fandorin later quickly began to acquire the features of a real historical personality that affects the course of historical events. Fandorin’s quasi-biography was supplemented by works whose heroes were his ancestors and descendants. One of these novels is «F. M.», the annexes and additions to which testify to the author’s postmodern experiment, which, leaving only the margin of the explanation necessary for understanding the plot, introduced marginal noncanonical texts and genres (short story, essay, fragment), thereby deciding to expand and clarify its meaning. Literary additions, such as the mini-glossary of drug jargon, or the Zen koan, are included to the literary text. Fragments, essays, short stories, different additions and clarifications, visions and dreams, at first glance, destroy the integrity of the novel of the writer, but in fact expand its narrative capabilities, extend the temporal and spatial characteristics, significantly enrich the main storylines, illuminate the motivation of the heroes , show them in an unusual perspective.


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Author Biography

Оlexander Нalуch, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування

Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Documentation and Information Activity


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How to Cite

Нalуch О. (2020). Feasures of Fandorin’s Quasi-biography: Postmodern Experiment . LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (16), 84–89. https://doi.org/10.28925/2412-2475.2020.16.12



The discourse of poetics