literary genre, classification, fan fiction, genre featuresAbstract
In this study, the author analyses some available literary works on fan fiction literature in the aspect of the problem of its genre classification. Each literary work belongs to a particular genre. The concept of “genre” reflects the stable properties of the text, such as volume, theme or belonging to a particular genus. The system of genre definitions that has developed in fiction cannot always be applied to new specific literary movements, one of which is fan fiction. Fan fiction is a phenomenon so multifaceted that the generally accepted genre classification is not enough to cover all such works. Therefore, there is a need to develop a new classification of genre definitions. Fan fiction is a modern literary movement that combines amateur works based on popular books, films, and computer games. All those stable properties, which in fiction are designated by one notion “genre”, in the literature fan fiction are affected by several terms at once: size, genre, category, rating. By genre is meant more or less the same as in traditional literary theory. The concept of “category” is used to designate individual features
of a work from matching the realities of the world to the original work in the text of a love line. Rating is understood as a system for assessing the content of fanfic, a separate story, and its suitability
for various age groups.
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