space, spatial frame, city, hypertext, fantastic literatureAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the space in the novel “Vita Nostra”, written by M. and S. Diachenko — contemporary Ukrainian writers of fantastic literature. With the use of narratological and geo-poetical approaches, it was possible to determine the features of the world created in the work under consideration.
The main spatial frames are characterized, features of their narrative functions are defined. It is proven that destruction of the conventional features of “resort”, “personal space” and “provincial city” is successive; in the novel “Vita Nostra” cultural-spatial correspondence of scrutinized topoi gives way to the development
of other meanings: accordingly, “the test”, “the house”, “the metamorphosis”. Fictitious cities in the novel (Thorpa and its implementation in hypertext reality) are separately analyzed. The indicative geo-poetical parameters of these topoi ae determined, special attention iss paid to the interpretation of the centrality
of the hypertext urban space — opposite to linearity of its empirical twin. Traits of deformation of spatiality under the influence of the heroine’s metamorphosis are traced. It iss noted that the central fantastic assumption correlates with the specific parameters of space / place: subjectivity, repeatability, the inclusion
of individual frames in the narrative universe, the blurring of boundaries between private and communal spaces. Further explications of study may be conducted both in extension of fantastic assumption problem in the novel and in attempts to extend the provided methods of analysis upon issue of fictional cities.
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