
  • Mariyam Arpentievа Калузький державний університет імені К.Е. Ціолковського


transgression, sacred, desacralization, transcendence, product, prohibition, injunction, revolution


The article deals with the sociocultural aspects of the phenomenon of transgression. The phenomenon of transgression is compared with the phenomenon of transcendence, the role of desacralization in the emergence (creation) and destruction (prohibition) transgression. Acts of transgression are one of the typical reactions to a meeting with a Stranger /Different new to the subject of transgression
conditions that gives the person or community opportunity for productive and effective ways of adaptation to changing environmental conditions, but creates a risk of destruction and inefficiency, including qualitative and quantitative development of crime. Transgression is not in itself positive or negative. This is one of the mechanisms of adaptation to new conditions of existence. It allows a person or company to survive in difficult conditions of heterochrony or heterotopia. Literary and philosophical-psychological prose reflects transgressive and transcendental trends in the development of man and society, reflecting on all the new types of crime the individual and society against each other related to the desacralization of permanent as “shorting”. “Shorting” is combined with the total collapse of culture as a system of prohibitions and regulations that promote the preservation, harmonization and
development of man and society.


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Author Biography

Mariyam Arpentievа, Калузький державний університет імені К.Е. Ціолковського

професор кафедри психології розвитку і освіти Калузького державного універси- тету імені К.Е. Ціолковського, доктор психологічних наук, доцент



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How to Cite

Arpentievа M. (2017). TRANSGRESSION AND SUCCESS OF REVOLUSION. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (9). Retrieved from



The conceptual issues in theory of literature and in literary criticism