
  • Olga Pytiur Політехнічний ліцей НТУУ «КПІ» м. Києва


miracle, miraculous, Virgin Mary, baroque


The structure of Virgin Mary’s divine miracles is studied on the example of literary works of Basilian monks. Categories of “miracle” and “miraculous” are studied on the basis of theoretical works by S. Averintsev and Jacques Le Goff. Special attention is paid to the tradition of the use of miracle motives in the ancient and baroque period of Ukrainian literature. The structure and functions of Virgin Mary’s miracles
are elaborated on the example of literary collection “Hora Pochayivska” (“The Pochayiv Mount”) (1793) written by unknown author and “Phoenix tertiato redivivus…” (1684) by Jakub Susza. The miraculous means of the Virgin’s image are defined (Virgin Mary is the mediator between the God and the people, hence she receives her healing energy from the God).
In the article the Virgin Mary’s miracles are studied in the context of their role within the time and space of both literature and symbolic meaning. In particular, literary works are saturated with numbers through which real life is connected with the Holy history. The objects of miracle is distinguished within the structure of miracles. The causes of miracles and the results of miraculous fulfillments are analyzed. In the article it is also clarified that the miracle for the faithful people is the natural part of everyday life and the miracle may not only heal but punish either, so it possesses both positive and negative meaning. The miracles are invoked by anything disturbing the mundanity: in particular, illnesses, necessity of defense, aggression of enemy and those who hostile to the icon and monastery. The disappearance
of the mentioned situations was regarded by the baroque people as the mere miracle.


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Author Biography

Olga Pytiur, Політехнічний ліцей НТУУ «КПІ» м. Києва

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How to Cite

Pytiur, O. (2017). MIRACLES OF VIRGIN MARY WITHIN BASILIAN LITERATURE OF BAROQUE PERIOD. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (8). Retrieved from https://litp.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/340