national identity, critical thinking, modernism, existentialism, literary-critical legacyAbstract
In the article, the author explores the process of formation of national identity as a part of Bogdan Rubchak’s critical thinking, based on the biographical data and the results of scholars. The factors of national identity of Bogdan Rubchak have been revealed, among which the author refers to the family background, objective understanding of historical processes, change of linguistic and cultural environment, impact on the aesthetic principles of modernism and philosophical ideas of existentialism, communication with the like-minded among the representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora and the presence of cross-cultural contacts. The author focuses attention on the fact that typically Ukrainian archetypical images, myth phenomenon and formation of myths are prevailin increased attention in the literary-critical legacy of Bogdan Rubchak. The author defines the special place for the idea of national identity in the poet`s world view coordinate system, taking into account the fact, that Bogdan Rubchak left Ukraine at the age of eight, but throughout the entire life and career he continues to remain a part of the diaspora, writes pieces of art in the Ukrainian language, refers himself to the Ukrainians by nationality.
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