Концепция всемирной литературы в монографии П.Д. Боборыкина «Европейский роман в ХІХ столетии»
world literature, critics, clasical literature, concept, novelAbstract
The article deals with the unknown historical pages of the Russian critical thinking in the XIXth century. The peculiarity of the Russian naturalist writer P.B. Boborykin’s interpretation of the notion “world literature” is studied. This concept presupposes the possibility of “creating” the world literature’s history according to the literary works which are called in the Boborykin’s concept “milestones”. According to this point of view, as the Russian writer states, there is a possibility of studying literary works’ evolution in different countries symultaniously which solves the problem of structuring the literature according to the national features. The “milestones” allow us to examine the national culture’s phenomena both genetically and typologically according to the international context.
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