
  • Darya Hnilycka аспірантка кафедри української літератури та методики її викладання ДЗ «Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка»


city, village, opposition, urbanization, author's style


The article attempts to study the specifics of the opposits “the city (civilization) / village (nature)”
in the novel “Daily Rod” by Ye. Pashkovskyi. The author explains the artistic features of the implementation of the elements of the opposits in the novel, analyzes literary text to determine the specifics
of the opposits “ city / village”, defines the characteristic features of literary style, and outlines further research on this topic in the writer’s prose. A great attention is focused on the fact that living in the city is artificial and false, but in the village — natural and real. It causes intensifying and transformation
of the mental patterns of thinking of every reader of the novel due to representation the elements
of the opposition.


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Abstract views: 117



How to Cite

Hnilycka, D. (2015). ОПОЗИЦІЯ «МІСТО (ЦИВІЛІЗАЦІЯ) / СЕЛО (ПРИРОДА)» В РОМАНІ «ЩОДЕННИЙ ЖЕЗЛ» Є. ПАШКОВСЬКОГО. LITERARY PROCESS: Methodology, Names, Trends, (5). Retrieved from https://litp.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/120