
  • Маріям Арпент’єва Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра світової літератури Гуманітарного інституту


Ключові слова:

shocker, myth, intertext, literary formulas, psychotherapy


Shocker (dime novel, chick lit) is defined as a genre of mass literature, narrative the books without significant
artistic and cultural value. Shocker has been the subject of numerous discussions since the moment
of its introduction to Russia. However, like many other “marginal” genres of fiction, with not so much
artistic but ”mythic-creative” function, and the attention of researchers, shocker in many respects is overlooked.
Popularity of the shocker and its similarity with the traditional myths is largely due to its external
simplicity, the ability to entertain and divert the reader, to help in solving problems of relationships with
other people and resolving crises. However, its impact goes far beyond the situational mood of the reader.
The “shocker” can be studied as a modern version of the myth. Numerous variations of a single story in the interpretations of different authors allow us to consider a novelette as a “hypertext”, the meaning of which is revealed in the interaction and the mutual superposition of the individual texts. Shocker sums up the experience of contemporary and previous generations. It summarizes the nature of philosophy, reveals the world through the prism of the author’s experience, and represents generation. Besides, it contains more obvious references to the mythological and philosophical aspects of the person’s and the community’s life, as a phenomenon of the late twentieth century, has the property of intertextuality. The function of a shocker as a phenomenon is broadcast to the main reader some basic effective models of relationships and behavior in everyday and crisis situations – personal and professional life, training these models.


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Біографія автора

Маріям Арпент’єва, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра світової літератури Гуманітарного інституту

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент


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Roccella, E. (1998). La letteratura rosa. Roma, Editori Riuniti, 220 p.


Переглядів анотації: 205



Як цитувати

Арпент’єва, М. (2018). SHOCKER: CASUAL AND PROFESSIONAL PSYCOTHERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP. Літературний процес: методологія, імена, тенденції, (12).



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