
  • Galina Kaspich


Ключові слова:

drama, cycle, genre, creative stories, image


DOI: 10.28925/2412-2475.2019.1410

Valerii Herasymchuk’s works “Plays about the Greats” are analysed in the article. They are described as artistic creation and remind fiction creative histories, which are not retold, but often performed.
The idea of therapeutic potential of creation and perfect biographies, realised through analogies and permanent text parallelism can be seen at genre level in a play “Cicuta for Socrates”. It is worth saying, that the author does not divide two vital histories into two separate actions, and through identical psychoanalitical peculiarities, misses two different biographic characters, and that is why the play genre is determined as psychoanalytical regardless “Beethoven Sweet Ones and Paganini Mistress”. The other play “The Fire Soul” is written as the creative history-tragedy where a number of artistic resources (large quatations, letters, flashbacks) are used. Having analysed the main content of another dramas, — “Riepin and Yavornytskyi”, “Shakespeare Taming”, “Servantes’ Mistake”, come to the conclusion, that the great place is devoted to Valerii Herasymchuk “Plays about the Great” creative history genre, but there is not one definite example of such works. Each work has its own set of artistic methods, elements of other genres, correlation of creative histories, with different epoches and types of protagonists.


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Біографія автора

Galina Kaspich

Teacher-Methodologist, Teacher of the Highest Category of the College of Technology and Industry,Vinnitsa National Agrarian UniversityVinnitsa, Ukraine

ORCID iD 0000-0001-5834-7961


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Переглядів анотації: 198



Як цитувати

Kaspich, G. (2019). GENRE NATURE OF VALERII HERASYMCHUK’S DRAMA CYCLE“PLAYS ABOUT THE GREATS”. Літературний процес: методологія, імена, тенденції, (14).



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